Monday, March 31, 2008

Project #2: Self-Visualization


*P*A*P*P*A* said...

i like how each piece is completely different but each one has the same feel to it. It makes all three work well together.

Ruffner2 said...

I feel like this piece is really strong. The color usage combines the three images very well. I feel like the middle image lacks a little of the strong composition that the other two images have.

C3_Skae said...

i really like the silhouette that carries on through the 3 pieces...

haha, just kidding...i really like the project as a whole, very nice.

RoOose said...

i really like how jaimie had a theme for her project: faith, hope, and peace. the shadow in each photograph makes each picture stronger and her use of repeating her interpretation of the word makes it very successful

Marissa Marton said...

I absolutely LOVE your work! I really like how the images work together and incorporate three important aspects of ones life being peace, love, and faith/freedom... I would seriously hang them in my room... The images work very well together and I also like how you used neutral colors with colors that stand out more... the hand gestures in the images work well also... Great Work!

jaimie michelle said...

the title is Peace, Love, & Faith...sorry guys i forgot to post that.

Ariel Capellupo said...

i really like how the images use collage in a simple way by playing with the opacity of the different images. the three images work well together but they may be too similar. the theme and the images flow well and are well done.

GabriellePeterson said...

I like how each of these pieces flows so well with the other. They are all very strong and cohesive. I really like the color usage in these pieces.

ChelcSic said...

The shadow puppets in each side of each picture is great. It shows the idea of each photo and it almost sets the mood as well. I like how each picture has its own identity.

ChelcSic said...

oh and btw... its chelsea Siciliano

Kim said...

i really like that you incorporated specific themes into all three pieces. Each idea is presented very smoothly, the piece is very well done.

ZoeChen said...

I like the design of three pieces that makes me feel something different. It is good that works well together.

mazouat2 said...

what i like the most about this is that it truely is a triptich with all the images relating to eachother. i really enjoy the obvious aswell as all the more sublte ways you tied the pieces together. i wish the one piece image touched the side like the other two and i feel like the love one is a little weaker than the other two but on the whole i think it is a great piece

atticus13x said...

i agree with zach that the love piece could have been stronger, but i really love the symbolism which is something that a lot of other pieces lacked. nice job.

mal237 said...

i like the flow of the images. it gives me a good feeling and i really like the digital lightness style that you chose. overall it brings your project together