Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Creating Bird Image in Illustrator

This is the bird image I created using Illustrator in class on March 25th. It was very difficult in the beginning to get used to the tools we were working with today, but after playing around with them and trying different things I started to get the hang of it and this is what I created. I tried to keep it simple and graphic, but still have the realistic effect of a bird come across in the image.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Adobe Illustrator-Personal Warning Label

Adobe Illustrator!

Today I started working with Adobe Illustrator for the first time. This is my image of what profession I would have chosen if I had not chosen art. This program was slightly harder for me to understand but after a while of playing around I started to get the hang of how the different tools work.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dia Beacon Foundation

Attending the Dia Foundation was quite an exciting experience for me. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the museum and was amazed by its size and sophisticated set-up. Even though everything is this museum amazed and excited me the piece that really impressed me was Sol Lewitt's Drawing Series. The Drawing Series consisted of many wall drawings done in materials such as graphite and color pencil. They were extremely intricate and large and the first time you view it you can not believe how meticulous it really is.
Sol Lewitt is an American artist who was born in Connecticut in 1928 and he attended Syracuse University. He also served in the Korean War as a graphic artist and there after he moved to New York and worked as a draftsman for an architect.A lot of Lewitt's influences came from the late 19th-century photographer Eadweard Muybrideg who did studies in sequence and locomotive. Lewitt's influences also came from his experience while holding a job at MoMa in the 1960's.
Overall Sol Lewitt's Drawing Series really impressed me and i was just in awe the entire time i walked through his personal exhibit.