Tuesday, January 29, 2008

working with photoshop!

Today we started learning how to use photoshop in class. This is my first mini project that I put together on my own without guidance. I still am pretty unsure how to do a lot of stuff in the program, but I am trying real hard to learn! The first attempt I had I accidentally deleted when I was playing around with filters so i started over and put this one together. I like it because it is simple yet still interesting.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mr. Ronald Orlando

This is an acrylic painting done by Ronald Orlando who can be found on natureartists.com. He is mostly a wildlife painter, but more importantly he was my painting and drawing teacher back in high school. He has had a huge influence in my growth as an artist and it was him who raised my interest in painting. I learned so much from him and looking at his work really reminds me just how talented he is. This painting has such a serene feeling and it captivates me. I encourage everyone to go look future at all this work on natureartists.com

Degas' Paintings

Degas paintings have always seemed so beautiful to me and since dance is something that is huge in my life looking at his dancer paintings always has a deeper meaning for me.

Digital Imaging Day One!

learning how to make a blog!